Logos Retreat Centre
God has a plan for you in eternity that is your wellness (Jer 29:11).
At the same time satan the ruler of the world till the second coming of Jesus (c.c.c.2853), has also a plan for you – that is your destruction. But Jesus has come to the world to destroy the work of the ruler and save you from his nasty hands (1 Jn 3:1-8). Therefore, trust in Jesus Christ. All those who trust in Him will not be put to shame. But we have seen thousands of people are in still in the chains and bondages which are not coming from God (Gs 13). All these human miseries elicited the compassion of Jesus and willingly He took all these miseries into His body & delivered the people from the dominion of the devil (c.c.c. 2448).
The Logos Retreat Centre has already been selected by God to continue the ministry of Jesus through its various programmes such as residential retreats, Bible conventions on Friday, Saturday & Sunday in Kannada, in English and in Malayalam along with Tamil respectively.
What We Do
ministry of Jesus through its various programmes such as residential retreats, Bible conventions on Friday, Saturday & Sunday in Kannada, in English and in Malayalam along with Tamil respectively.